Sunday, October 17, 2010

Key Reminder

As you can see i have added a search field on the right of the blog to find baby´s key. Just type the parent avatar´s name and all keys will be shown. You can tell which baby is each by the date.

Hopefully this can solve any problem for people who doesn´t write down the key and it shouldn´t be a security breach as only that avatar can reclaim the baby. (Read More...)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Missing Children - Update 2.03

After talking all day with the website programmers I was able to find the bug. This update includes all 2.X updates plus fixes the missing babies issue. Sorry SL this time wasn´t your fault but from our external database being down.

Just rez the disc and the baby on the grown next to each other, go to the baby´s edit menu and touch "Edit".

After you see the messages, count till 10
and thats all!

If you need to update more than one baby, you need 1 disc per baby and do it one at a time. Don´t try to update  more than one at the same time or you can get some errors and lose one of the baby´s personality.

Only the original owner, or a "Baby Tatu Doctor" should make the update as the family members list will be lost.

Don´t try to update unborn babies or they will be lost.

Blog Update:
I woke up during the night thinking of a possible bug so i stop all deliveries. Now you will get 2.04 instead.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Missing Children

Yesterday alot of babies where lost, telling parents that they were kidnapped and babiescouldn´t be recovered. Luckly everything is working right now and all babiescan be recovered with their respective Registration Key .

The problemwas SL related during the rolling restart of the new servers which causeproblems on the scripts on the baby. Even thought it was traumatic for someparents, 2.0 brings the recovery service exactly for cases when SL doesn’t behavecorrectly.

For thoseof you who don´t remember the registration key I will try to add a searchoption on blog this week. Please have in mind that I’m not the one doing thatprogramming so it can take some time.

I´m sorryfor those who lost all progress, but is better than having to pay for a newbaby. And please always remember to check Grid Status.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2.02 Update

New fixes on crawling babies.

Just rez the disc and the baby on the grown next to each other, go to the baby´s edit menu and touch "Edit".

After you see the messages, count till 10
and thats all!

If you need to update more than one baby, you need 1 disc per baby and do it one at a time. Don´t try to update  more than one at the same time or you can get some errors and lose one of the baby´s personality.

Only the original owner, or a "Baby Tatu Doctor" should make the update as the family members list will be lost.

Don´t try to update unborn babies or they will be lost.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2.01 Update

Some small fixes for the baby.

Fixes a bug that was preventing your baby from growing and babies with low appetite from asking food. The update will be delivered as an update disc for 2.0 versions.

Just rez the disc and the baby on the grown next to each other, go to the baby´s edit menu and touch "Edit".

After you see the messages, count till 10
and thats all!

If you need to update more than one baby, you need 1 disc per baby and do it one at a time. Don´t try to update  more than one at the same time or you can get some errors and lose one of the baby´s personality.

Only the original owner, or a "Baby Tatu Doctor" should make the update as the family members list will be lost. (Read More...)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2.0 English FAQ - Howto

Welcome to the new Baby Tatu 2.0 Have in mind that 2.x is and upgrade of the 1.x series and even if it maintains the user experience and a lot of its features, is a full new baby.

The very important things to keep in mind: 
On your first rez you will get the product registration key, don´t store the baby till you get it and save the key on a notecard so you can remember it. In the hard case that you lose the baby or it gets broken, you can recover the baby at the clinic with that key. Ask a nurse or clerk for help and they will walk you trought.
Add your partner, friends, etc. on the family list before you transfer the baby to them. If you fail to do so the baby will think it has been stolen and you will have to use the recovery key to get him back.
Only the avatar who registered the baby can reclaim it, so adoptions or baby resells aren’t anymore possible. Or at least we can´t support them if SL decides to chew them and spit them in a million prims.

Baby´s Name 
To name your baby Rez your baby on the ground, go to edit, new name and give him a new name.

Your babys needs 
Baby needs are represented by particle symbols on top of his head and baby noises which are pretty self explanatory.

A feeding bottle means your baby is hungry
A spiral when he is unclean and needs a bath or diaper change
An unhappy smile shows he is bored
Zzz when he is sleeping
Hearts will show when he is feeling fun an loved or on level ups
A red cross appears when your baby's health is more than half down
An finally a red cross with a little skull when your baby's health bar reaches cero and becomes sick beyond normal care
This particles as the rest of your baby can be very sensible to server lag and can even don’t show up by a particle sim limit listen to your baby or changing his speed to a lower one or check the status directly on the alife menu.

The Menu 
Touch the baby and a menu will pop up

Actions Menu 
In this menu you can find all kind of interactions with your baby.
Put diaper / Take diaper – You’ll need to take your baby’s diaper first if you want to clean him. Its also useful if you want to try different clothes combinations with or without an on top diaper.
Wakeup – Morning call for your baby if he is asleep
Sleep – Make your baby go to sleep regardless his tiredness
Breastfeed – Just one of the ways you can feed your baby, but the most natural one. This option will disappear when your baby is old enough
Burp – Just some patting on baby’s back to make him feel better after a big meal
Play – Have fun with your baby and your baby will have fun with you
Hold – Holding your baby next to your warm heart feels comforting
Rock – Rocking your baby rocks!
Shoulder – Take the baby for a walk over your shoulder.
All these actions affect your baby’s behavior in some way, there is no manual for these and is up to you as fathers to figure it out.

Is in this menu where you can dress or undress your baby Also you can find a neko ear and tail, neko ears can be use with the hat or by acquiring a different texture, as a full neko baby. Different clothes of different baby outfits can be combine to create your own baby style. To hide the baby´s diaper just take it away, there isn´t a button to hide it.

The heart and brain of your baby, where all the magic happens.

Heal – For healing your baby you will need to rez a medic kit near him and use this function, if your baby is sick enough a baby vaccine will be applied.

Speed – If you feel your baby too demanding, you are in a lagged server or you will leave him rez on his bed for hours, using an internal cycles lower speed could be the best solution. If you by the other hand wants a more challenging baby with the chance of making faster XP, ”Psico Mom!” is your best choice. And of course, normal will return the cycles to their normal speed. Have in mind that baby cycles aren’t regular, so it will be impossible to guess when the next one will be.

Personality – Your baby’s self stats, these are your baby’s personality. To have high some is better than others and will be only modified when you get enough’s XP. Stats go from 0 to 100, but no baby can be born with too high or too low stats. It’s your long work what will determine this.

Status – Here is the most direct way to check what is wrong with your baby showing values of its current status. Specially useful on lagged sims.*

XP – Experience point can be worn on every cicle and this function will show you how much points are missing for a power up of that particular stat. Every next power up will be difficult and more XP needed.

Powering lower stats is way easy than the higher ones and only with a lot of dedicated motherhood you can reach the maximum 100 stats. Depositions and Hunger are inverse variables and you would normally wont desire high values on those.

NEW on 2.X: Your baby´s growth doesn’t depend anymore on the baby´s stats but on the growth stage. Stats now can go up and down but your baby´s size will always depend on his growth.

Help File
Will bring you to this webpage

Edit Menu 
Update – Once you get your update disc, rez it near the baby and use this function to update its features. Scripts will be updated if needed and new features added when available.

New Clothes / New Skin – If you bought new baby’s clothes or skin first touch this button and your baby will be ready for accepting the new clothes.

Umbilical cord –By default your baby will show an umbilical cord the first week of life then it will fall off and a little black button will appear in his belly which will disappear by the 2nd week of his birth. If by any reason you find this too disgusting or want to put it back, you can override it from here.

Male / Female – Choose your baby’s sex. This will change baby’s umbilical cord clip and pacifier colour, show baby’s genitalia and ear piercing.

Name – Push this button and write your baby’s name on open channel. Baby’s name will appear on top of his head.If you do this while the baby is on the ground the objects name will also be changed.

AO – An animation override has been added. It adds some walk, and stand animations. You can choose between 2 different walk animations (Tired and female walk) or be completely shutdown.

The feeding bottle 
Just wear it and your baby will be feed. Watch out, he can eat more that he can take.

Diaper changing 
Rez the diaper box, take the old dirty diaper, then touch the diaper box. Is that simple

Your baby’s health 
Always take a good look to your baby’s status and messages. High values on the stats will heal the baby and lower ones could hurt him in unknown ways. Don’t leave the baby alone unattended as it will eventually get sick, if you want to leave him rez on a cradle get one with hibernation mode. Your baby is a virtual living being and if you forget him for days without giving him any attention could result in his sickness. Take him once every 5 days so he doesn’t get sick of loneliness. Leaving the baby with a babysitter or a family friend could be a good precaution if you are planning to leave Second Life for a week or more.

How does the baby learn to crawl and advance in growth stages? This is done when your baby meets certain stat growths each week. No one on the staff can tell you what those numbers are, as we have no idea either. All we can say is be a great parent. Meet your baby's needs needs and as the scores grow so will your baby. If that week your baby does not meet those numbers don't get discouraged just keep up the good work and you will advance in time.

On stage 3 the baby will be able to sit by itself
On stage 4 it will learn to crawl
On Stage 7 he will learn to walk

Once you reach crawling stage, every time you need to pick up your baby from the ground first open the baby´s menu and touch the new “Take to inventory” button. Nothing bad can happen if you fail to do so, but some prims can be shown on an incorrect size if you wear him.
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Should a baby know how to write?

Something I really, really hate of prim babies and make me design the Tatu Baby, is their ability to write on chat messages like "I love you so much mom!", "I love you and daddy", etc...

Babies, especially newborns, don´t talk! and even less of them know how to write on open channel. Still a lot of babies on SL do that, and some parents love it and ask me that feature.

But hell, I´m just a creator and I can be wrong.

So leave your comment if you wish and I will think about it. (Read More...)